Monday, 29 June 2015

Submissions welcomed!

This is a call to anyone who's interested in joining me in trying to start a dialogue on how we can change the electoral system of the UK to something a little more democratic and a lot less corrupt.  Of course, there's also a discussion on how we need to change society as a whole too and all the stages we need to take to get to a better society as well.

I try not to push a particular political stance but, since I am against the current administration, I tend towards a disdain of the political right-wing even though I have areas of agreement with the right; however, I am open to submissions from all areas of the political spectrum as I believe that every ideology has something to contribute to a better society.

If you'd like to submit something I'd be happy to publish it on this blog to open up a massive dialogue.  The only stipulation is that your submission is not offensive to groups or individuals or generally offensive.

Please send your submissions (with your name/pseudonym) to


  1. The first thing that needs to happen is that when a politician is asked a question they must answer it, the truth would also help immensely.

    1. A truthful politician? Isn't that a contradiction in terms? LOL

      Surely the first thing is to trash the current system and have representatives who will tell the truth?
